
June 2nd, 2017


The OCT Group is extending its research program in studying scientific startups to commercial entrepreneurship and social enterprises in Project Startups! The goal of this project is to identify best practices for organizing startups and promoting innovations in the marketplace.

Entrepreneurial startup efforts can be seen in three areas: (a) commercial entrepreneurship driven by profit-making to deliver innovative products and services, (b) social enterprise driven by social cause to deliver valuable goods and programs, and (c) scientific startups driven by knowledge advancements to build new theories and test models. 

Housed within the Research Office (Room 104) of Chapman’s Launch Labs and Leatherby Center for Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics, Project Startups represent a partnership between Launch Labs/Leatherby Center and the OCT Group/School of Communication. The project is spearheaded by students (Lydia Benjamin and Jamie McCain), a research fellow (Andrew Schrock), and faculty member (Kerk Kee) in the OCT Group. Andrew brings his experience in tech startups and communication research. Lydia, Jamie, and Kerk bring interests in tracing the ways in which scientific innovations are developed in incubators and then spread in new social systems.

How to Organize Your Startup Team: Best Practices for a Healthy Startup

Why Innovations Get Adopted: Attributes of Successful Products & Services